A C++ Parsing Brain Teaser

October 28, 2020

C++ is already notorious for the insane context-dependence of its grammar, which is, yes, Turing-complete, and yes, even undecidable. This is all old and talked about to death.

And yet, consider this otherworldly C++:

template <int>
struct X {
    int a[2];
    static constexpr int Foo = 0;
    friend void operator >(int, const X&);

template <int>
struct Y {
    int a;

template <int>
struct C;

template <>
struct C<sizeof(X<0>)> {
    static constexpr int Data = 0;

template <>
struct C<sizeof(Y<0>)> {
    template <int>
    struct Data {
        static constexpr int Foo = 0;

extern Y<0> yy;

int main() {
    X<C<sizeof(yy)>::Data<0>::Foo> yy;
    X<C<sizeof(yy)>::Data<0>::Foo> yy; // Is this well-formed? What does it do?

This snippet is a favorite of mine. It reads like a mystery-horror-thriller, where seemingly-irrelevant details fall into place right at the big reveal. It’s as if M. Night Shyamalan directed a piece of code. At first, it looks like your run-of-the-mill over-engineered C++ (“friend operator > what?!!”). Then, the two lines in main comprise the puzzle: they are token-for-token identical to one another, yet appear to be declarations. How can that be legal?

This came up when I worked on the MSVC compiler team, as part of an old Boost test suite. I believe the entire point of the test was specifically to test compilers’ support for parsing template identifiers. We had been working on the recursive-descent parser at the time and likely broke this functionality in the process, which brought it to our attention.


The key C++ concepts at play here are explicit template specialization, expression-vs-declaration parsing, and, simply enough, name shadowing.

The focus will be on these two statements:

X<C<sizeof(yy)>::Data<0>::Foo> yy; // S1
X<C<sizeof(yy)>::Data<0>::Foo> yy; // S2

Statement S1

Let’s explode this statement into its components:



C++ parses left-to-right (top-to-bottom, if thinking about this as an AST). It makes local decisions about the meaning of tokens based on the proceeding tokens and name lookup, not requiring arbitrary lookahead (though possibly requiring arbitrary template instantiations).

Upon seeing X<, we need to determine whether the < starts a template, or an expression. So we look up X, and find a template name: interpret < as beginning a template argument list. The entire expression C<sizeof(yy)>::Data<0>::Foo is the single template argument.

Similarly, we proceed for C: name lookup finds a template name, so < starts another template argument list, with single argument sizeof(yy).

In sizeof(yy), yy resolves to the global variable yy (names do not come into scope until after their complete declaration1). So, sizeof(yy) == sizeof(Y<0>).

C<sizeof(yy)> will be an instantiation of the second explicit specialization of C (referring to the complete snippet). So, lookup of C<sizeof(yy)>::Data finds the nested class defined in that instantiation of C, which is a template so the following < begins a template argument list. C<sizeof(yy)>::Data<0>::Foo is now straightforward: it’s an integer static data member with compile-time value 0.

Returning up the “stack” to the instantiation of X, we have resolved it to the type X<0>, for a full statement of X<0> yy;–clearly, a declaration of an automatic variable named yy. Note that this yy shadows the global variable just above it–bad practice, maybe, but legal in C++.

Statement S2

Moving on to the next statement, it is identical to the one above. But in a twist, it parses differently.

Once again, we start the same: X< will start a template argument list for the class template X, as will C<. This is the first key: in sizeof(yy), yy will now refer to the local yy, of type X<0> (rather than Y<0> as it is in the line above). So the instantiation selected for C is C<sizeof(X<0>)>.

Now, we lookup ::Data in the selected instantiation of C, which is an integer static data member, with value 0. Let’s collapse C<sizeof(yy)>::Data -> 0 and look at the whole statement again: X<0<0>::Foo> yy

Or, expanded:


Now, the < token which previously started a template argument list is a less-than token in a binary expression 0 < 0 == false. The next > (which above closed the template argument list of Data) now closes the template argument list of X.

Since false converts to integer 0, we now have X<0>::Foo > yy.

Foo is an integer static data member of X<0>, with value 0: 0 > yy.

X<0> (the type of yy) has defined a global operator > which takes int on the left-hand-side, and returns void. Hence, this statement is a function call expression to that operator.

Part of the beauty is that, since the operator > returns void (as opposed to something typical, say bool), there’s not even the possibility of a compiler warning for the discarded return value.

  1. But before their optional initializer.